Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Power of Creativity

Our Unlimited Capacity for Creativity

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, creativity is having the ability to create instead of imitate. Creativity is the lifeblood of any architecture firm; it is not an optional add on. Creativity is as vital to an architect as the air we breathe. Unfortunately, a good portion of architects tend to fall back on their old patterns, constantly rehashing past designs instead of working on improving design through innovation. Because creativity is indispensable, the question for any architect is: How is creativity best promoted?

One of the biggest keys to unlocking creativity is recognizing that as human beings we all have an unlimited capacity for creativity. Our minds are hardwired to solve problems. Failing to recognize our inherent creativity keeps us from allowing our minds to innovate.

None of the great advancements of mankind were achieved through following the old way of thinking. How would our lives be different if Thomas Edison never set out to create the first light bulb? What would the world be like if Alexander Graham Bell had never invented the telephone? Our lives are infinitely better than those of our ancestors because of the utilization of the power of creativity. Improvement only comes from creative thinking, and creative thinking is only possible if we first recognize our universally unlimited capacity for creativity.

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